Friday, July 16, 2010

Work Projects so far/ Events

Second addition to my last blog:

Canada Day was just like any other day here, as it’s not a big celebration for most in Quebec. It defiantly wasn’t like home, where I am used to being with friends and watching the fireworks. Even though Quebec is in Canada, the culture is completely different and something I’m still getting used to. While here I have experienced a lot in such a short period of time. I was able to watch a baby calve being born (Gross, yes, but it is defiantly a cool experience and something I suggest you to see if the opportunity ever arises).Gardening has been pretty sweet and I’ve also lifted and cut more wood in a day then I ever thought I would in a lifetime. I lifted a lot of hay as well, and those little hay bales are deceiving. You pick up one thinking it’s going to be lighter than it actually is and you almost throw out your back. I got these epic bruises on both sides of my right knee slipping through the gap of the platform and the trailer. Yes, only I could do that even when I made a mental note of the gap. It was funny though, but defiantly not graceful. Lifting hay isn’t all that bad though, I may come back with some serious muscles! I’ll leave that to your discretion though haha. I learned many things so far, but one thing I’ve learned is that I don’t think professional painting is in my future, but who knows? I have painted so much wood and one heck of a dog house, that I may be the next Picasso. Okay, that’s not going to happen, but I know by the end of this I may never want to paint anything red again! There is defiantly not a lack of travelling with my host family as I’ve already travelled to Quebec City and to smaller towns. I know Quebec City may not seem that exciting, but it’s actually very beautiful. We recently went to Quebec City for my host family’s granddaughter’s 3rd birthday and for a baptism. We’re going to go back soon to look around the city and explore. I have also been to the beach that is on the St. Laurent River. It’s across the road from a very large and popular campground, where we met 3 out of 6 guys who are doing something called the “Tandem Tour”, where they are biking across Canada. They started in British Columbia and are going to Halifax on a 4 person bicycle. There are lots of bonfires and hanging out and there is internet connection! It isn’t a beach that I’m used to with only sand, it’s full of huge rocks and seaweed/plants where the tide comes in every 7 hours. Roger (our host dad) took us to one of the barns and found us some bikes to use. We washed them, put some air in the tires and they are good to go! Ocean and I are going to start biking there when we have free time and just relax and take in everything around us. It is only a 15 minute bike ride from my home so I think I’ll be going there quite a bit to swim and have some time to myself. Ooooh, exciting news! One of the huskie dogs (Chinook) had a puppy and it’s so tiny and so cute! I was able to hold it the other day and I fell in love with it! Her eyes aren’t opened yet as she is only a week old, but I get to name her. Not sure what to name it yet, but when I do I’ll let you know. Oh, when I have time I will be uploading some much needed pictures to facebook , so that you can see what my experience has been like. I’ll try and post some on my blog as well.

Quebec so far has been exciting and frustrating. Frustrating only because of the language barrier, but I’m learning and trying, eventually it will be easier. Everything is great here, but I do miss Saskatoon. I’m far from home and wish I could see everyone that I miss, but when I get back In December, every hug and hello will be worth the wait. I can’t believe it’s been a month since I’ve been gone! It seems like such a long time and it has gone pretty fast. Before I know it, I’ll be in Africa living a life so different from anything I’ve ever known. I’ll get to play some real African soccer and play with wonderful kids in the villages and orphanages. I’ll also most likely burn, even with SPF 60 sunscreen. Knowing me, I won’t be pasty white when I return, but a nice dark shade of red. Well I hope everything is going great for everyone back home, and until next time, which hopefully won’t be that long!

Au Revoir!

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